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Can Honey Be Stored In Plastic Bottles For A Long Time?

Nov. 25, 2019

In daily life, buying honey can be said to be an experience that every household has. In the sales market, we usually have only two kinds of honey packaging: plastic bottles and glass cans. Round Honey Glass Jar can be said to be a very good storage method that is very good in sealing, and it is not easy to make honey volatilize and last for a long time. However, plastic bottles always give the impression of storing carbonated drinks. So can honey be stored in plastic bottles for a long time? What would be bad if you save it in a plastic bottle?

The first one is that the nature of honey is a weakly acidic liquid, so it can't be put together with metal according to the container, because honey can make the metal oxidize, so we usually use non-metallic containers when storing. Save it, and if we use tools such as cylinders and barrels and plastic buckets, wash the special packaging containers thoroughly.

Round Honey Glass Jar

Round Honey Glass Jar

Secondly, the pure honey is stable in nature. As long as we keep the correct method, it is very difficult to degrade the honey without using metal products. However, the premise is that the container for preserving honey must be clean. If it is stored in plastic, it is better to use a food-grade plastic material to make the bottle or jar relatively good. Under normal circumstances, the quality of honey is limited to five years or more.

The last point is that we can't fill the packaged honey, especially when transporting, to prevent the honey from fermenting or swelling when it is shaken by heat. The honey should be placed in a dry and clean room, as well as in a ventilated and odorless room. The same is true for the Square Glass Spice Jar. Please be careful not to leave the honey under the sun for a long time, otherwise the honey will be susceptible to deterioration.

In fact, in life, we can find that honey is a very easy to crystallize food. This is mainly because of the natural physical phenomenon of honey itself. It can be said that as long as it is pure natural honey, there is no knot and no crystal, only the difference between crystallizing sooner and later and how much.

Therefore, when selecting plastic is easy, the quality must be careful not to choose a soft bottle, because once the crystal is seriously crystallized, you need to take it harder to take out the honey, or use a spoon to pick it up and eat it. However, in order to save costs, many merchants use the soft plastics that are not good enough to be packaged with honey, so everyone should pay attention.

In addition, if honey is stored improperly and deteriorates, the following phenomena generally occur:

1. There are a lot of bubbles. The metamorphosed honey produces large bubbles, which are different from the tiny bubbles of honey itself;

2. Has a sour taste. The metamorphic honey has a very pronounced fermentation sour taste;

3. Alcohol flavor. The degraded honey has a slightly pungent smell of alcohol.

The above is the explanation of Round Honey Glass Jar Supplier for whether honey can be stored in plastic bottles. I hope to help you.

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